Skills in Healthcare works to structured reporting metrics that can be tailored to support your commercial needs.
With this data, we analyse performance and together can revise our strategy and activities, where needed.
Working with you to set these Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) we can ensure the information gathered meets the needs of all your stakeholders.
Driving performance for your brand through KPI's:
Skills in Healthcare has set in place KPI's with the Boots UK training team to ensure that training progress, and its related benefits, can be tracked, and in turn related to product sales performance.
Productivity and Effectiveness KPI
Ensures that productivity and effectiveness is maintained with quality outcomes delivered.
Performance KPI
Agreed performance measures and data requirements, which support your sales uplift, will be put in place, to allow ROI analysis and market share growth assessment
Participation Metrics
Capturing the number of participating pharmacies against agreed recruitment policies.
Monitoring and recording patient outcomes.
Just in Time reporting:
Our management processes and our CRM systems ensure up-to-date visibility of field service activity, including productivity and the time spent with the customers face-to-face.